Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Synopsis of my music video

In my video I have decided to have a video of the Singer of the band, he will be walking alone in an empty atmosphere which represents where the fairground used to be. Most of these images will be of him walking towards the camera singing along to the lyics.

During this there will be images cut in of the fairground in action on the night, with the lights flashing, creating a busy atmosphere and there will also be images of the fairground with a 'dead' atmosphere, this will stand out because they will be in black and white to make it look old.

The reason I have chosen to include images of a fairground is because it relates to the lyrics and at the time of planning the Hull Fair was up and running for the week, so it was an ideal opportunity.

I will be attempting to make the singer look like he is singing the lyrics not only to the audience but to someone special to him which will be a girl who will appear in the video later on. This idea came to me when I noticed in the lyrics that there was a 'we' for example 'We'll head south, just hold my hand now'.

It is a basic storyline of a boy (who is the singer) singing to his girlfriend about their good times at a fairground however he wants to move on with his girlfriend and is hoping she wants to too.